Our skin produces pigment in response to exposure to the rays of sun. Over the years this pigment (melanin) has a tendency to accumulate in collections, resulting in freckles and sun spots (“age spots”).

Sun spots, sometimes called age spots or liver spots, are the result of uneven and excess melanin caused by frequent exposure to UV rays from either the sun or a tanning bed.
Though appearing similar, there are some differences between freckles and sun spots. For example, one has to have the “freckle gene” in order to have freckles. In terms of size, freckles are smaller and they are not lumped together like sun spots. Learn more about pigment spots here.
These spots are completely benign and can be ameliorated by a number of procedures and creams. Procedures available for treatment of benign pigmented lesions include BBL, chemical peels, lasers and cryotherapy (all available at Medical Spa Club).
Some pigmented lesions develop under influence of female sex hormones. This condition is called melasma. Pigment in melasma is located deeper in the skin than that in sun spots, and is more difficult to treat.

Melasma is brown or blue-gray patches. It happens because of overproduction of the cells that make the color of your skin. It is common, and harmless but some find it aesthetically unpleasant.
Pigmented lesions also include nevi (moles). Some nevi are benign; others have a potential to develop into a malignant melanoma, one of the most lethal cancers.

Caused by genes and sun exposure, moles are a type of skin growth and do not go away on their own.
Thus, if you notice a new or changing pigmented lesion on your skin, it is always prudent to consult a medical professional to determine whether this is a cosmetic concern or something that requires an excision. Early diagnosis of melanoma is lifesaving as in early stages all that is required for a cure is a simple excision of the mole.
All these skin growth issues can be assessed and treated at Medical Spa Club. Our doctor Dr. Pinkhasik can help you determine and diagnose if your mole needs to be removed or if it is harmless. Some people still opt to remove them for aesthetic reasons. Schedule an appointment today to learn more about your treatment plan.